Example: I’m 55! Where Can I Roll Over My IRA | 401K | TSP | For Maximum Monthly Income When I Retire?

Toni Nicholas

Comparing Growth of Annuities, Indexed Universal Life (IULs), and Whole Life Policies After Rolling Over a $100,000 IRA, 401(k), Pension, or TSP Fund Over Ten Years for a 55-Year-Old Woman and a 55-Year-Old Man

When rolling over, say, a $100,000 retirement account, such as an IRA, 401(k), pension, or Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), into an annuity, Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policy, or whole life insurance policy, there are critical differences in how each of these products might grow over the next decade. The performance of these financial products varies based on market conditions, policy fees, and how the products are structured. Additionally, the eventual monthly income they provide after ten years of accumulation is one of the key reasons individuals choose between these options.

In this article, we will explore how these three options would perform for both a 55-year-old woman and a 55-year-old man, evaluating which product would have grown more in value over the past ten years and which would provide the most monthly income in retirement. We will also name specific carriers and products to give you a clear picture of how each product could work.

Understanding the Financial Products:

Before diving into growth projections and income potential, it’s crucial to understand how each of these financial products operates:

1. Annuities: These are contracts with insurance companies where an individual pays a lump sum or makes periodic payments, and in return, the insurer promises either immediate or future income. Annuities can be fixed, indexed, or variable, each offering varying levels of risk and reward.

2. Indexed Universal Life (IUL) Insurance: IUL policies are a type of permanent life insurance offering both a death benefit and cash value growth. The cash value growth is linked to the performance of a market index, such as the S&P 500, but with capped gains and a floor to prevent losses during down markets.

3. Whole Life Insurance: This is another form of permanent life insurance with guaranteed cash value growth. Whole life policies grow based on a guaranteed interest rate and may also pay dividends, depending on the carrier. They are generally safer but offer lower growth potential than market-linked products like IULs and variable annuities.

Evaluating Growth Potential Over Ten Years

To evaluate how these products would have grown in the past ten years, we will look at typical returns and the impact of insurance costs, fees, and other factors.

1. Annuities

Fixed Annuities offer a guaranteed interest rate, which is typically low but safe. Over the last ten years, a fixed annuity with an average interest rate of 2-3% would have grown the $100,000 investment to approximately $121,899 (2% annual growth) or $134,392 (3% annual growth). This growth is consistent for both a 55-year-old woman and a man since annuities are not affected by gender differences in life expectancy at this stage of accumulation.

Variable Annuities, on the other hand, invest in market-linked subaccounts and can achieve higher returns depending on market performance. Given that the stock market has experienced significant growth over the last ten years (despite some volatility), an average annual return of 6-7% is plausible. A 6% annual return would have grown the $100,000 to approximately $179,085 after ten years. However, variable annuities also come with higher fees and risks, including potential losses during market downturns.

Indexed Annuities are tied to the performance of a market index (such as the S&P 500), with a cap on returns and protection against losses. Assuming an average return of 4-6% annually, the $100,000 could have grown to approximately $148,024 (4% annual return) or $179,085 (6% annual return), similar to variable annuities but with less risk.

Carrier and Product Example: One of the top options in the annuities market is Allianz with its Allianz 222 Fixed Indexed Annuity. This product offers growth potential tied to market performance, with a cap on gains and protection against losses, making it a good fit for individuals who want conservative growth without risking their principal.

2. Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IULs)

IULs provide the potential for market-linked growth with downside protection, making them a middle-ground option between whole life insurance and variable annuities. Over the past ten years, with the S&P 500 averaging about 10% annually, an IUL with a cap of 10-12% could have provided a return of approximately 6-8% annually, depending on the policy’s specific cap and floor.

Assuming a 7% annual return, the $100,000 would have grown to approximately $196,715 over ten years. However, it’s important to remember that IULs have fees related to the cost of insurance, which could reduce the overall cash value growth. For a 55-year-old woman, the costs may be slightly lower due to longer life expectancy, resulting in slightly higher cash value accumulation compared to a 55-year-old man. Even so, the difference would be minimal.

Carrier and Product Example: The Nationwide IUL Accumulator II is a well-known product in the IUL space, offering competitive caps on growth and downside protection. This product would have allowed the $100,000 to grow consistently over the last ten years, assuming market conditions remained favorable.

3. Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance offers guaranteed growth, typically between 2-4%, along with potential dividends depending on the carrier. Over ten years, a whole life policy with a 3% guaranteed growth rate would have grown the $100,000 to approximately $134,392. If the carrier offered dividends, this could increase the growth slightly to around $146,879, assuming dividends added an extra 1% annually.

Whole life insurance costs are typically higher due to the guaranteed death benefit, but the growth is stable and predictable. Women, who generally live longer than men, might see slightly better cash value accumulation because their life insurance costs are lower. However, the overall difference would still be relatively small over a ten-year period.

Carrier and Product Example: MassMutual Whole Life 10 Pay is one of the top whole life policies available. It offers guaranteed cash value growth and the potential for dividends, making it a solid choice for those seeking long-term security and stability.

Monthly Income After Ten Years

Now, let’s evaluate the monthly income each product could provide after ten years, based on the $100,000 initial investment and how much it has grown.

1. Annuities

Fixed Annuities: After ten years of accumulation, a fixed annuity could be annuitized to provide guaranteed income for life. Assuming a conservative payout rate of 5%, the $134,392 (3% annual growth) could provide approximately $560 per month for life. Both men and women would receive similar payments, though men may receive slightly higher monthly payouts due to shorter life expectancy, but for a shorter period of time.

Variable Annuities: Given the potential higher growth of a variable annuity, which might have grown to $179,085, the monthly income could be higher. At a 5% payout rate, this would provide approximately $746 per month. However, the payments could fluctuate depending on market performance if the annuity is not fixed.

Indexed Annuities: Assuming an indexed annuity grew to $179,085 over ten years, the monthly payout could be similar to that of a variable annuity, around $746 per month, but with less risk of fluctuation due to market volatility. Like with fixed annuities, men might receive slightly higher payments but for a shorter time.

2. Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IULs)

With IULs, cash value can be accessed through policy loans or withdrawals. After ten years of growth, if the $100,000 had grown to $196,715, the policyholder could take out structured loans against the cash value. Using a conservative 5% loan rate, this could provide monthly payments of approximately $820, assuming the policy is structured for income distribution. The IUL’s death benefit would reduce over time as loans are taken, and women may benefit from slightly higher cash value, allowing for slightly larger loans.

3. Whole Life Insurance

Whole life policies can provide income through policy loans as well, though the growth is slower compared to IULs or annuities. If the $100,000 had grown to $146,879 (including dividends), policy loans could provide around $615 per month at a 5% loan rate. Women, with potentially slightly higher cash value, could draw slightly more per month, though the difference would be small.

Which Product Provides the Most Monthly Income After Ten Years?

Variable Annuities or Indexed Annuities would provide the highest monthly income after ten years, especially if the market performed well, offering up to $746 per month.
IULs could offer slightly less income, around $820 per month, but with the added benefit of continued life insurance coverage and flexibility in accessing cash.
Whole Life Insurance offers the least income potential but provides long-term stability and guaranteed cash value.


Over a ten-year period, variable annuities or indexed annuities would likely have provided the most growth and the highest monthly income, offering the potential for payments around $746 per month. IULs, while slightly less aggressive in growth than variable annuities, offer a solid balance between growth and life insurance.

If you want to discuss your options or run some illustrations for you, feel free to schedule a call.

Please know that any insurance policy is not an investment, and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment. 

Why You Should Buy Life Insurance: A Financial Safety Net for Your Loved Ones

Why Life Insurance is Needed

Why You Should Buy Life Insurance: A Financial Safety Net for Your Loved Ones

Life insurance is one of the most important financial tools a person can invest in, yet it is often misunderstood or overlooked. The purpose of life insurance goes beyond just being a policy that pays out after death. It serves as a safety net for your family and loved ones, providing a vital source of financial security during some of life’s most challenging times. While no one wants to dwell on the possibility of their own death, planning for it is a responsible and loving act that can protect your family’s financial future. In this article, we’ll explore why life insurance is an essential part of financial planning, how it can be used to pay off major debts like a mortgage, and how it provides much-needed funds to replace the income lost after the death of a breadwinner.

Why Life Insurance is Needed
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Protection Against Financial Instability

Life insurance is fundamentally about providing financial protection. When a loved one, especially a primary breadwinner, passes away unexpectedly, the emotional impact on the family is often overwhelming. On top of that, the family may also face severe financial challenges. This is where life insurance comes in, offering a way to ensure that your family is not left with insurmountable debts or forced to significantly lower their standard of living.

One of the primary benefits of life insurance is that it can help cover day-to-day living expenses. If a spouse or parent passes away, the remaining family members may suddenly lose a significant portion of their household income. A life insurance policy can replace that lost income, helping to cover costs such as rent, groceries, utility bills, and other essentials. This financial buffer allows the family to maintain some semblance of normalcy during an incredibly difficult time.

Paying Off a Mortgage: Keeping the Family Home Secure

One of the most significant financial commitments for most families is their mortgage. For many, the thought of losing the family home due to an inability to make payments is terrifying. Life insurance can be a critical tool in protecting the family from this devastating possibility.

In the event of a breadwinner’s death, the proceeds from a life insurance policy can be used to pay off the mortgage in full or cover the monthly payments for a period of time. This ensures that the surviving family members can continue living in their home without the added stress of potentially losing it. By covering the mortgage, life insurance alleviates the pressure of having to sell the house or relocate during a time of grief.

What would happen to your home if something happened to you?
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Providing Income Replacement

A significant reason people invest in life insurance is the need for income replacement. For families that rely on one or two primary earners, the sudden loss of income due to death can create a financial crisis. With no steady income to rely on, families may struggle to pay for basic necessities like food, clothing, medical expenses, and education costs.

Life insurance provides an essential cushion by offering a lump sum or structured payments that can act as a replacement for the income that has been lost. This ensures that your loved ones can maintain financial stability while they adjust to life without you. Life insurance payments can be used to cover monthly living expenses, ensuring that children continue their education, spouses can keep up with the family’s needs, and overall financial well-being is maintained.

Even if both spouses are working, the loss of one income could make it difficult for the surviving spouse to meet the family’s financial obligations. For example, if one partner was responsible for paying specific bills or handling the mortgage, the burden would suddenly shift to the other partner. Life insurance can ease this transition, providing peace of mind and reducing the financial shock.

Covering Final Expenses and Debts

When someone passes away, there are immediate costs that need to be handled, such as funeral and burial expenses. Funerals can be surprisingly costly, often running into thousands of dollars. Without life insurance, these costs can become a significant financial burden for surviving family members.

In addition to funeral expenses, life insurance can also help settle any outstanding debts that the deceased may have left behind. Credit card bills, car loans, and personal loans may need to be paid off after death, and life insurance provides the funds to do so. This prevents your loved ones from having to use their savings or take on additional debt to cover these obligations.

Long-Term Financial Security

Beyond covering short-term expenses, life insurance can also be an important tool for long-term financial security. Many policies offer substantial payouts that can be invested to generate ongoing income for surviving family members. This ensures that the family not only has financial stability immediately after the death of a loved one but also for years to come.

Some life insurance policies even come with investment components, allowing the policyholder to build cash value over time. While this can be a more expensive option, it offers the added benefit of serving as both life insurance and an investment vehicle, which can be tapped into during retirement or used to fund future financial needs.

Peace of Mind

Ultimately, one of the most valuable aspects of life insurance is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that your family will be taken care of financially if something happens to you can provide a great sense of relief. You don’t have to worry about leaving your loved ones with overwhelming debts or forcing them to drastically alter their lifestyle. Life insurance provides a financial safety net that helps ensure their well-being, even in your absence.

While no amount of money can replace a lost loved one, life insurance can help ease the financial burden and give your family the time and space they need to grieve without the added stress of financial instability.


Purchasing life insurance is a responsible and caring decision that safeguards your family’s future. Whether it’s paying off a mortgage, replacing lost income, covering final expenses, or ensuring long-term financial security, life insurance provides invaluable support to your loved ones during a difficult time. By investing in life insurance today, you are protecting your family from financial hardship tomorrow. As life is unpredictable, securing your family’s future should be a priority—and life insurance is one of the most effective ways to do so.

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